Best Shark Attack Video

READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit, so if you feel the need to say something stupid that has already been said by another, click this link to a better video for you. or go directly to “Shark Attack Edit for Stupid People.” Tarpon fishing under Long Key bridge near Duck …

Skydiving accidents

WARNING: Video contains sensitive material. Some of the skydivers that you see in the video have unfortunately died. Although skydiving is a fun sport, if mistakes do happen in is often fatal. RIP **DISCLAIMER* This footage is to be taken as educational and serves documentary purposes. It is not meant to be gory or violent, …

Fieldsports Britain – YouTube gamers shooting, wild boar on the Continent and how to track animals

We’re showing YouTube gamers how to shoot shotguns and rifles, we’re tracking African animals with our very own poo safari, we’re at the Browning Owners Club day and Team Wild is after wild boar on the Continent. It’s a packed programme this week as the XBox generation gets off its collective backside to do some …

Mystery Trackers Four Aces CE Walkthrough – Part 11

(2012) Mystery Trackers Four Aces Collector’s Edition – Walkthrough Part 11 —— Brightfield was evacuated after a series of bizarre animal attacks. Now, strange creatures roam the streets, danger lurks around every corner and you’ve just landed smack in the middle of it all. As you begin to investigate, you discover that the attacks may …

2010 Olympic Torch Freestyle ski Accident Lake Louise, Alberta Canada

This has been kept quiet by the News media, guy’s ski goes flying off as he takes off from a jump over top of a snow cat with olympic torch. Guy crashes and doesn’t move.. Flown out by helicopter to hospital with unknown injuries.