Car Crash compilation 2012

je vous propose une compilation rcente d’accidents de voiture, principaux facteurs sans doute l’alcool, la vitesse a c’est sur on le voit, pas de clignotants, prises de risques inutile ou tout simplement aucune concentration j’espere que ca vous fera un peu reflechir et faire un peu plus attention au volant l’avenir, mon compte est actuellement …

Obama Gives 12 Million Obamaites Free Phones

Obama Gives 12 Million Obamaites Free Phones, What Is Next Damit, Obama Is The Welfare President, Obama gets an F on his Job Performance, They Need Cell Phones Now, Nancy Pelosi is an Idiot, Obama Is An Idiot, Everyone needs a Cadillac, The Disfranchise, Free Healthcare, Obamacare, Get You Hands Out My Pocket, Obama Thinks …

How To Annoy People – He’s on your team! Click here to watch How to Annoy People in Modern Warfare 2 Ep.3 (MW2 Machinima) How to Annoy People in Modern Warfare 2 Ep. 4 (Modern Warfare 2 Machinima) This is just me acting like a Noob and putting on a genrally confused voice, I dont usually play like this but I thought It …